[:en]12 Incredible ways to recreate Awash Wine[:am]የአዋሽ ወይንን መልሶ ለመስራት 12 ዓይነት ሊታመኑ የማይችሉ/የሚያስደምሙ መንገዶች[:]

12 Incredible ways to recreate Awash Wine Why settle for wine straight from the bottle when you can mix things up by using it for your new favorite cocktail instead? Awash Winery is discovering new ways to reinvent the cocktail culture in Ethiopia with its new exotic...

[:en]“Companies to inspire Africa” – London Stock Exchange Publication[:am]‹‹አፍሪካን የሚያነቃቁ ኩባንያዎች›› – የለንደን የሽያጭ ልውውጥ (ስቶክ ኤክስቼንጅ) ላይ ያተኮረ ሕትመት[:]

“Companies to inspire Africa” – London Stock Exchange Publication If you think African wine production starts and ends with South Africa, think again. From its Merti Jeju vineyard, 180km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa in the Upper Awash Valley, Ethiopia’s Awash...

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